How to prepare your apartment before the arrival of your parents?

arrival of your parents

At each of their visits it’s the same thing, your parents can’t help but dissect your interior from A to Z. Not to mention your mother who, even if you spent hours scrubbing the floor and cleaning the windows, will always find fault with the way you do the housework.

In order to avoid a new spat next weekend when they arrive at your house, we have gathered some essential tips to know. You will never be afraid to invite your parents for a Sunday lunch again!

That’s it, your cleaning is done, the apartment smells clean and the windows are clean. But you know in advance that this will not be enough to impress your parents . So how do you put them at ease and show them that you too know how to keep a warm and elegant home? These few subtle but not so stupid tips will give your apartment the touch that your interior was missing!

An always fresh bed set

Choose light colors that make the room breathe. If you thought having a made bed was enough, know that your mother will know immediately since when you did the laundry! Duvet cover, sheet and pillows… Your bed linen should smell like Marseille soap as soon as it arrives!

An organized bathroom

Avoid acting like when you were a teenager and accumulating products in your shower or on the sides of your sink. To see clearly and give a tidy appearance to your bathroom, we favor the most useful but also the most aesthetic bottles. Baskets, soap jars, storage boxes. .. Use beautiful storage accessories and get rid of the superfluous. It’s time to finally throw away that empty shampoo bottle that’s been lying around in your shower for two weeks!

Don’t leave anything on the ground

From shoes to clothes, everything has to find its place. Because what lies around in a corner is immediately messy. Get yourself a dirty laundry basket  worthy of the name, enough to store your shoes, magazines and trinkets that are always lying around in your paws.

Get a real trash can

The plastic bag hanging in the kitchen cupboard is over! The garbage can also has to be put away in its place. Suspended inside the closet, hidden in a corner… It’s up to you, but find a place for it.

A welcoming lounge area

Since this is probably where your parents will spend the most time during their visit (that and the dining room), take care of your living room! Clean sofa, well laid out cushions , folded plaid, dusted coffee table, books stored in the library and watered plant. This gives the impression of a perfectly mastered decoration, even if on a daily basis you have trouble keeping everything in perfect condition!

An adult table

No question of making a meal tray when your parents arrive. There is also no need to make a table service worthy of the great Christmas meals. But placing a pretty tablecloth, cloth napkins, matching tableware and elegant dishes on the table to present your recipes is already a big step!



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